Rob got up to check the status of the suction port. Jeff was watching a last century 2D movie on his tablet, something about intergalactic wars with funny looking aliens. He was amused by the primitive, and completely off-the-mark, vision of how the twenty-firsters imagined beings from other star systems looked. The cabin was almost silent, except for the muted whirrs, dings and vibrations from the command and control system of the mining ship - Theseus XIV. Rob and Jeff worked for the MittAdan Corporation, mining delirium from asteroids. Delirium was an essential ingredient of the neural implants, everyone used to connect to Oasis Mk243. Oasis was the hyper real, virtual space for all kinds of human activities - trade, services, retail, research, education, leisure, love and hate. Delirium was named after Philippe DeLeri who discovered the element, and not out of a sense of irony. Rob came back to his seat and sighed. "1 down, bloody 11 more to go" he said, referring to hi...